JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2019.2.3 Final Crack

Контент ID 5134
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Файлын тоо 1
Хэмжээ 674.3 MB
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IntelliJ IDEA is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for JVM languages designed to maximize developer productivity. It does the routine and repetitive tasks for you by providing clever code completion, static code analysis, and refactorings, and lets you focus on the bright side of software development, making it not only productive but also an enjoyable experience.


IntelliJ IDEA is a cross-platform IDE that provides consistent experience on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Supported languages

Development of modern applications involves using multiple languages, tools, frameworks, and technologies. IntelliJ IDEA is designed as an IDE for JVM languages but numerous plugins can extend it to provide a polyglot experience.

JVM languages

Use IntelliJ IDEA to develop applications in the following languages that can be compiled into the JVM bytecode, namely:

Other languages

Plugins bundled with IntelliJ IDEA and available out of the box add support for some of the most popular languages, namely:


C/C++ are not officially supported in IntelliJ IDEA, but you can use CLion.

You can browse the JetBrains Plugin Repository to find an official plugin that adds support for almost any language, framework or technology used today, or JetBrains Marketplace for third-party plugins. See Manage plugins for details on how to manage plugins in IntelliJ IDEA.

Do I need a language plugin for IntelliJ IDEA or a separate IDE?

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is a superset of most IntelliJ platform-based IDEs. If the bundled language plugins are enabled, it includes support for all technologies that are available within our more specific IDEs, such as PyCharmWebStormPHPStorm, and so on.

So, for example, if your application's codebase is mainly in Java, but it also uses Python scripts, we recommend using IntelliJ IDEA in combination with the bundled Python plugin. If your codebase is mainly in Python, PyCharm is the right IDE for you.

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